Scripture Song of Jeremiah 17:14

“Heal Me, O Lord, And I Shall Be Healed”

Commentary on Jeremiah 17:14

by Living Faith Fellowship

Jeremiah, who was a priest by birth (Jer. 1:1) and a prophet by calling, seems to have been torn by the message he had to deliver. Interceding for his people on the one hand, yet on the other, standing as God's messenger to warn them of His coming judgment, the psychological and emotional pressures made his physical suffering at the hands of his own countrymen and family even harder to bear. Unlike them, however, he knew where to turn when his heart was overwhelmed. Crying to the Lord for healing and salvation, he knew that he would be heard, and that the God who called him would sustain him until the end of his earthly trek. Let us, like him, be uncompromising in our obedience, and firm in our reliance on the One who alone is our praise, the source of our strength, and the rock of our salvation.

Commentary ©2011 Hebron Christian Fellowship. Unaltered text may be reproduced freely without financial gain.

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Jeremiah 17:14

Verbatim KJV. Words or verses not included in song replaced with "..."

  1. Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.